Once you get to the final stages of constructing your custom home build, you will need to decide whether you should install an external cladding system or not. While this addition is not mandatory, you should know that it will prove to be a long term investment for your new home build in several ways. For starters, the cladding will function as an additional layer of insulation for your structure and this is invaluable in preventing thermal changes when you consider Australia's tropical climate.

Secondly, depending on the type of material that you choose, the cladding can dramatically improve the aesthetic value of the residence. Not to mention that cladding can also go a long way in protecting the exterior walls of the structure from weather damage. But with the vast assortment of options available, how do you know which to choose? This piece outlines a few qualities of the two external cladding systems in the market so you can determine which option will be a great fit for your custom home build.

Timber external cladding systems

Arguably one of the most popular cladding materials in Australia, it is hard to find an alternative that offers the same warmth and rustic charm as timber. This type of cladding is available in three main profiles namely panels, boards and shingles. This array of profiles makes timber cladding ideal for any architectural style since it can easily blend in with the visual appeal of your custom home build.

Another major advantage that timber external cladding systems offer is a high thermal mass and this goes a long way in maintaining the internal temperatures of your property. The main notable drawback of timber cladding is that it will need hands-on maintenance, which can be bothersome for some homeowners.

Stone external cladding systems

Stone cladding is available in two main types, natural stone and synthetic stone. Undoubtedly, natural stone is the more luxurious of the two. This type of cladding makes your new home build appear to be one with its environs, which is great if you want your home to be in harmony with nature. Additionally, natural stone, similar to timber, has a high thermal mass too and this makes it great for homeowners that want supplementary insulation.

The main con of natural stone cladding systems is that they can be quite costly. Not only are the raw materials expensive but the installation process is rigorous too, which means high labour costs. Nonetheless, the synthetic variety is a great alternative for individuals that want the visual appeal of natural stone but have a moderate budget.

Other materials you can consider when selecting an external cladding system for your custom home build include metal, weatherboard, fibre cement and brick.

To learn more about cladding systems, contact a cladding contractor. 
