If you want to renovate an old house, you may find the following two tips to be helpful.

Check the condition of the existing insulation before sealing up the wall cavities

If the house has not been renovated in a few decades, you will probably need to remove its wall plaster and add fresh plaster and paint.

After tearing down the old plaster, you should take the time to check the condition of the existing insulation inside the wall cavities before you seal them up with fresh plaster. During this inspection, you should look for holes, patches of mould and general deterioration. The reason for this is that insulation can degrade over time. A water leak, for example, can cause insulation materials to deteriorate, whilst rodent infestations can lead to holes forming in these materials (as rodents will often burrow through insulation).

If the house is old and hasn't been maintained very well, it is entirely possible that its insulation may have been damaged as a result of a leak or an infestation. Checking the condition of the insulation materials prior to sealing up the wall cavities will ensure that if it has deteriorated, you will be able to replace it quite easily, and you can always contact an insulation installation professional if necessary. This, in turn, will ensure that after the property is renovated, its HVAC system will not have to be used excessively to keep the property cold in the summer and warm in the winter.

Wear a respirator that protects against lead particles

Before you start renovating the property, you should purchase a respirator that is designed to filter lead particles. The reason for this is that up until the mid-20th century, many brands of interior wall paint contained lead.

If this is the case for the house that you are renovating and the old paint has started to flake off, there is a chance that some of these tiny flakes may become airborne and that you could end up inhaling some of the lead-contaminated paint particles when you begin renovating the building. This could lead to you developing lead poisoning, a serious health issue that can cause headaches, joint pain, digestive issues and hypertension. If you are a woman and are pregnant, it could also put you at risk of miscarrying or experiencing premature labour.

Wearing a mask that is specifically designed to filter out lead particles will help you to avoid inhaling any airborne paint flecks whilst you work.
