Despite the fact that your foundation is constructed with longevity and durability in mind, it does not mean that this structure is immune to degradation. From poor installation to soil shifting, there is a broad range of reasons why your foundation will begin to suffer damage. If these damages are not addressed in the shortest time possible, it is just a matter of time before they manifest into stark issues with your house. For extreme foundation damage, your contractors will have to resort to underpinning your structure. Underpinning entails the laying of an additional foundation beneath the imbalanced one to bolster its strength. Here is an outline of three different types of piers that can be employed to stabilise your foundation.

Underpinning via concrete piers

Concrete piers are typically in two main forms. The first is the pre-cast variety that is installed as is and the second are those that are cast during the installation process. Concrete piers are best suited to areas experiencing high compression with their primary purpose being the creations of an entirely new level for the foundation. There are a couple of advantages of gravitating toward concrete piers. Firstly, they are one of the more economical options when it comes to underpinning your home. Secondly, the piers are short, which means they can be installed through tunnelling. Nonetheless, there is one drawback worth noting. The short length of the concrete piers may make it difficult to withstand soil pressure, which can cause them to shift after a few decades.

Underpinning via steel piers

Steel piers are one of the most expensive underpinning solutions you could opt for, but this is with good reason. Because the piers are long and sturdy, your contractors can force them much farther into the ground as compared to concrete piers. In some instances, the steel piers could even come into contact with the bedrock! Thus, you can be guaranteed that once your underpin your foundation with these piers, the restoration should last your structure for its lifetime. Another reason why underpinning via steel piers is expensive is the fact that installation is much more labour intensive as compared to its other counterparts.

Underpinning via helical piers

Although helical piers may be likened to their steel counterparts, they are distinctly different. Unlike the smooth sides of both concrete and steel, helical piers are characterised by having screw-like ridges. This feature makes them easier to install as they simply bore into the ground. Moreover, helical piers also take up less space than their steel and concrete counterparts do. Since helical piers can also be drilled right to the bedrock, they offer you a permanent solution to your foundation problems.

For more information, contact your local underpinning services.
