The Australian coastline offers many business opportunities for different industries including the construction sector. For marina building, contractors must seek approval from all the relevant authorities. Notably, while some marinas are low maintenance, others are high-end and require significant resources for maintenance. The difference can be attributed to location as well as environmental factors. Therefore, before taking up a marina project as a newbie contractor, you have to establish whether the marina is going to be high or low maintenance. This article highlights factors that will help new contractors to answer the question.

High Winds -- Coastal lines are windy because of the vast open space that makes it easy for winds travelling thousands of miles across the sea to reach the coast. However, depending on the region, a location can either have high winds or low winds. If you are going to build a marina in a high wind area, then it will be a high maintenance project. The reason is that you have to make provisions to protect not only the marina itself, but also the boats and yachts. Such requirements might include erecting windbreakers like high walls or deeply anchored docks. Whichever way you decide to protect a marina, you have to make sure that the protection stands the test of time.    

Waves and Tidal Surges -- Ocean waves can get strong which is terrible news for marinas. The pounding can do significant damages to marina structures as well as boats, especially during storms. Installation of floating docks with pilings is done on marinas to prevent waves and tidal surges. However, the pilings have to be anchored deep enough and go high enough to accommodate the highest probable tidal height. Once floating docks are attached to the pilings, docks will keep boats afloat no matter how high the tides go.

Seismic Activities -- Earth movements can cause shifting of a marina platform which can be dangerous to people and property. Therefore, if you plan to build a marina in a seismic-active region, then the design of the marina should accommodate the strongest of seismic vibrations. Anchoring a marina deep into the ocean floor using piling technology will ensure limited movement in the event of seismic activity. Additionally, marina docks have to be made flexible because making them too stiff might lead to breakage due to seismic vibrations. Notably, local authorities provide guidance on construction of marinas, especially regarding coastline profiling.

For more information or advice, contact a business such as The Jetty Specialist.
