Considering the high temperatures experienced in Australia coupled with the steadily spreading drought, keeping your landscape lush and green can be quite tasking. However, this does not mean it impossible. A good way to retain moisture while still protecting your greenery from the elements is by applying mulch on your yard. Organic mulch in the form of bark or hay may be the traditional option that people use, but this does not make it the best alternative. Gravel mulch is becoming a popular option among Aussies as it provides a unique set of pros that you would not be accorded with regular mulch. So how would gravel mulch be more advantageous to you than organic alternatives?

Gravel mulch can minimise the risk of pest infestations

You may be favouring organic mulch for your yard as these materials decompose and consequently increase the nutritional value of your soil. However, one little-discussed drawback of this decomposition is the propensity organic mulch has to attract pests. As the bark and hay start to rot, they become a prime source of food for rodents, roaches and other critters. Moreover, the higher the degree of decomposition, the more likely that the mulch will begin to grow fungi, which end up competing for nutrients and hydration with your plants. Gravel mulch does not pose this problem. In fact, the rocks could deter pests from taking harbour in your yard, as the soil would not be easily accessible.

Gravel mulch can facilitate temperature control

If you opt to leave your yard bare, it becomes directly exposed to the climatic conditions. When the temperatures are high, there is an increased likelihood of your soil become scorched and hardening. After this occurs, it becomes challenging to grow any crops or grass on your property. Organic mulch may shelter your soil from direct exposure to inclement weather, but the mulch itself could be contributing to increased temperatures in the ground. As the mulch rots, chemical reactions occur, and gases are released that will end up raising the temperature of your soil. Gravel mulch, on the other hand, offers you a great alternative to protecting your yard from the sun's rays while also maintaining a moderate ambient temperature in the soil.

Gravel mulch will prevent soil erosion

You may be primarily applying mulch to protect your yard against the heat, but this does not mean your mulch should not come in handy during the rainy season too. Organic mulch will simply be swept away by water runoff if you are to experience a severe storm. Additionally, the high wind would also blow this mulch away. Gravel mulch would be a better alternative, more so if your property is on a slope, as the stones will keep the soil intact.
