The functioning of HVAC systems is fuelled by the right pipework that is laid behind the walls, floors and ceilings of our buildings. The right pipework enables the system to be reasonably airtight, to minimize the resistance to air flow, provide a noise free operation, and to maintain an economical design.

Most people wonder how HVAC pipework systems are installed and how they operate. There are basically 4 key steps that are followed when installing the pipework for HVAC systems:

  • Plenum kit assembly
  • Installing the main trunk line
  • Installing the branch runs
  • Preparing the return air pathway

By knowing how the pipework installation is carried out, building owners can easily identify any issues with their HVAC systems and quickly address them in good time. They can also minimize the operational costs of their homes/buildings.

Plenum kit assembly

The plenum is the first part of the pipework installation process. The plenum refers to the central collecting chamber of the conditioned fresh air that leaves the furnace after being heated/cooled. The plenum attaches to the opening of the furnace and acts as the initial pathway for the entire duct system.

The plenum is assembled by arranging 3 metal panels together. The metal sheets are then secured with screws along their edges. After assembly, the plenum can then be attached to the furnace.

Installing the main trunk line

The main trunk line will act as the primary distribution channel for air that is leaving the plenum. The main trunk line is responsible for channeling air to all parts of the home or building. The line will consist of starting collars, metal hangers, ducts and an end cap.

The ducts need to be measured to the right width so they can channel air efficiently from the plenum to the various rooms. The starting collars are attached directly to the plenum, after which the ducts are assembled and held together using metal screws.

Installing the branch runs

The branch runs diverge airflow from the main trunk line to all other destinations in the building. They mainly consist of narrow pipes that are attached to the ducts of the trunk line and they channel air to carious locations.

The branch lines typically consist of 6-inch pipes that are either circular or rectangular.

Return air pathway

The return air pathway channels circulated air back to the main unit for reconditioning to be reused or expelled from the system. The pathway mainly consists of ducts that are located on the ceiling of various rooms.

The air flows into these ducts and is channeled back to the main HVAC unit for treatment or expulsion. For more information, contact companies like Degree C Pty Ltd.
