If you've just bought an old, run-down home, then you've no doubt started compiling a list of renovation projects that you'll need to complete. Along with the many structural and aesthetic projects, you may need to rewire your home's electrical system. Although this project can often be an expensive one, it's very important that it is one of the first projects that you attend to. Here are three reasons why you should make rewiring your home a top priority.

1. Your home will be safer

Aged, faulty or damaged electrical wiring poses a serious, and often deadly, threat to the people who live in your home. Accidental electrocution from outdated electrical outlets or incorrectly installed sockets is a real possibility in an older home. House fires are also commonly started by frayed electrical cabling or sparks from old electrical points.

Older houses are also less likely to comply with the strict safety regulations that are compulsory under state and federal law. Rewiring completed by an accredited electrician will meet all safety laws and regulations and will help you to make sure your home is adequately covered by your home insurance policy.

2. The project is less disruptive and damaging

Rewiring a house often involves fairly invasive work to access and remove the existing electrical system and install a new one. This can result in many holes in your walls, floor and ceiling, which will need to be repaired.

It makes sense to get this messy project out of the way before you begin any internal renovation projects such as re-plastering, painting or installing new flooring. After the rewiring is completed, you can add access points around your home that will allow future electrical work to be completed without the disruption.

3. Your home will be equipped for modern electricity consumption

When many older homes were built, the electricity needs of a household were very low in comparison to modern times. Your home's wiring system wasn't built to power multiple TVs, media players, computers, dishwashers, tumble dryers or air-conditioning units.

Rewiring your home at the beginning of your renovation project means you can safely and efficiently run all of your electrical appliances without worrying about blowing fuses, overloading the circuit board or damaging your appliances with incorrect or inadequate electrical input. It's also a great opportunity to add in extra conduits for communication and security systems.

The first step to take when planning a rewiring of your older home is to book in an evaluation with an electrical services contractor. They can assess the current wiring, discuss your needs for your new electrical system and give you a comprehensive quote for the cost of the project.
