Some homeowners may be apprehensive about allowing a boring contractor to perform trenchless boring on their property. Such homeowners may be gripped by fear that an accident, such hitting a utility line, will occur as the work is done. This article discusses some of the precautions that contractors using the trenchless boring technique may implement in order to prevent accidents from happening.

Observing Tolerance Zones

Contractors usually map existing utility locations before starting trenchless boring. The contractor can then avoid boring within a specified distance from the identified utility line. Such tolerance zones can be crucial in averting any accidents that could have occurred in case the person operating the boring equipment strayed from the marked boring area accidentally.

Regularly Exposing Utility Lines

Contractors can also dig at regular intervals in order to expose the existing utility lines within the area where trenchless boring is taking place. This precaution helps to confirm that the existing utility lines are in the locations and depths that are indicated in the maps provided by the utility companies. The contractor would rather incur the cost of covering up the existing utilities instead of having to fix any damage that occurs when those lines are breached during trenchless boring.

Tracking Drill Heads

Another precaution that may be taken to prevent accidents during the boring process involves tracking the drilling heads as they work. Someone is usually assigned the task of using various technologies, such as infrared trackers, to ensure that the drill heads stay on the safe course that was marked for the trenchless boring exercise. The tracker can then alert the operator of the boring equipment in case he or she veers off the mapped course and risks hitting existing utility lines.

Predicting Drainage Challenges

Ground water can suddenly start flowing into the area where workers are operating boring equipment. Such a sudden inundation can cause a worker to lose concentration and hit a utility line with the boring equipment. Contractors try to minimise this risk by setting up the equipment on a berm so that workers are protected from such drainage challenges. In this way, the sudden onrush of water will not find the employees vulnerable to the risk of drowning or making a mistake in their rush to escape the danger.

As you can see, several measures can be taken to avert any foreseeable risks during trenchless boring. You should therefore put your mind at rest by asking your contractor to explain the specific measures that he or she will implement to avoid hitting existing utility lines during boring on your property.
